Domestic Violence


Domestic Violence

Help is available for Victims of Domestic Violence; you must act though. An issue with domestic violence is that it may not always be reported to the authorities. “Violence” is typically defined as physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual, psychological or verbal abuse, economic abuse, threatening or coercive behaviour or acts, which are aimed at dominating and/or controlling a family member, partner or ex-partner. Regrettably, most victims are silent towards the violence against them because they have suffered, are vulnerable and don’t think what is happening to them is actually considered to be Family Violence. Other times the victims are too scared to do anything about it or are scared for their children. 

Although in urgent situations, you should always contact the police, we also condemn of any violence whether verbal, physical, emotional or economical. We can help you to apply for any relevant intervention orders/restraining orders/apprehended domestic violence orders if you believe your wellbeing is at risk or have reasonable fear it will continue, and we can also defend vexatious claims of the same.